Dunstable Downs Engagement

Lauren and Dan love nature. As a professional gardener Dan even makes a living from spending his time outdoors surrounded by luscious greens.

But for some people who live in built up areas, sometimes it’s easy to feel a million miles from nature and open spaces.

As their amazing photographer Caroline of Caroline Hancox Photography wisely said “The photos were taken on the Dunstable Downs, and although I am aware that this isn’t very remote or exotic - the reason I love them is that even if you live in the middle of a very built up country you can still find pockets of outdoor goodness to go out and explore in. Sometimes it isn’t always possible to go into the forest or hike up a mountain but the adventurous spirit and yearning for nature is still there and if you look hard enough you can find it almost anywhere - you just need to go out there and open your eyes to the possibilities.”

Editor of We Are The Wanderers Cat Ekkelboom-White at Lake Prags in the Dolomites in Winter

Author: Cat Ekkelboom-White

Cat is the founder of We Are The Wanderers as well as a photographer for Wild Connections Photography and mentor at the Adventure Wedding Academy.