Iceland Adventure Session At The Blue Lagoon

Aly and Zack reached out to their photographer Bettina a few month before their trip to Iceland. As a local Icelandic photographer, Bettina wanted to show them around and the stunning Reykjanes Peninsula. They ended their adventure session in the Silica Hotel which is the private part of the famous Blue Lagoon.

A Reykjanes Peninsula Adventure Session at the Blue Lagoon

Photography - Bettina Vass

From the Couple

We are a husband and wife creative duo living in Seattle, WA. We met while obtaining our BFAs in graphic design at Western Washington University, and it was in Bellingham, WA that we both found our love for the outdoors. We were married shortly after graduation, and that’s when we found our mutual love for travel. Since then we have traveled all over the United States, been to 67 countries and now have plans on visiting many more countries this next year. Our travel bucket list was inspired on our honeymoon, which included all of the places we have been thus far. We believe travel has been a great way to grow closer together in our early years of marriage. We have learned more about each other, about other cultures, and life in general through our experiences.

Iceland was one of the locations on our travel bucket list. We are both photographers and have always wanted to photograph the nature there. When we travel ,we always get photos of each other, but never really take any photos together. That’s why we decided to search for an Iceland photographer and how we found Bettina!


I am notorious for exploring Instagram when I do my travel research. I search Instagram tags for very specific things (coffee shops, specific kinds of food, photographers etc.) I found Bettina searching on the #icelandphotographer hashtag! I found one of her photos and just loved her style, so I reached out to her!


Hanging out with Bettina and Baldur for the day was like hanging out with two old friends. They showed us around and took us to places we never would have known about. It felt like we were getting a special tour of the area! They both are just amazing people so it was easy to spend the day with them and we had so much fun! I was especially happy to get photos of Zach and I at the Blue Lagoon where we were staying. The hotel staff let Bettina and Baldur come in to photograph us for a while as we swam. It was magical!

Chase adventure. Chase joy. Chase what sets your soul on fire. For us it’s travel that brings us closer together. Find something both of you love and chase after it with all your heart!

Editor of We Are The Wanderers Cat Ekkelboom-White at Lake Prags in the Dolomites in Winter

Author: Cat Ekkelboom-White

Cat is the founder of We Are The Wanderers as well as a photographer for Wild Connections Photography and mentor at the Adventure Wedding Academy.