Many people don’t think about hiring a professional photographer until their wedding day, and a lot of people won’t hire one again after the day has passed. And while having your photograph taken by a professional might seem like an extravagant luxury, I believe that it’s one of the most important things that you can ever invest in.
For their first wedding anniversary, Tim and Natalie celebrated their milestone with a special anniversary shoot in the English countryside with two of the most important people in their lives - their gorgeous dogs!
Emma Hill Film & Photography captured their adventure in Ashdown Forest in Sussex, England, the same location where their wedding portraits were taken one year before:
It was really awesome to be able to capture this little adventure - the Ashdown forest is a stunning location in Sussex UK. Tim and Natalie were excited to be there with their dogs on their first wedding anniversary as its a place they love to go to for walks with their two dogs. They often do training sessions with their dogs together; it was cool to capture some shots of an impromptu training session as part of the shoot.
Anniversary Shoot In The English Countryside
Tim & Natalies Wedding from Emma Hill Film & Photography on Vimeo.